

In the field of commercial exhibition advertising, LED rental screens can provide customers with high-definition and high brightness advertising playback effects, attract more people to stop, and improve the exposure rate of advertisements. Moreover, LED rental screens have the characteristics of strong operability, timely updates of content, and fast dissemination, which can help customers better display products and services and promote sales performance improvement.



There are continuous rental LED screens assembling and disassembling works going on in this sector. For that reason, the processes must be practical and performed almost without an effort. Therefore, lightweight equipment is a crucial factor to carry out these tasks in a quick, economic and safe way. Visual Led’s rental LED screens include two light materials: aluminum and epoxy resin with fiber. Usage of these components allows us to design and manufacture very light and resistant screens.

High Quality

LED rental screens must be easily, quickly and repeatedly assembled and disassembled. So we had to guarantee the quality and not crack after a few assemblies, which often happens on basic rental screens and destroys the visual properties of the screen. The HJ display uses a quick repair system that can withstand thousands of consecutive assemblies and disassemblies without significant wear and tear.

Easy Transportation

lo facilitate the rental screens? transportation, you can purchase aflightcase of different capacities. Theseflightcases, or professional transportboxes, will protect your rental LED screenduring transportation and storage. Inside, the flightcase is made of highdensity foams and adapted to thepurchased frame.In addition, the caseshave departments to store wiring andvarious accessories. They can even havewheels and are stackable, thanks to theirsuperior safety mechanisms.

Relating Product

Rental ScreenB

Rental ScreenA

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