The calculation formula for the daily requirements of an LED display screen

Author: Huajiang

Date: 2024-03-28 09:26:44

  1. Method of Calculating Pixel Pitch

    The central distance from each pixel to each adjacent pixel; each pixel can be a single LED lamp [e.g., PH10 (1R)], two LED lamps [e.g., PH16 (2R)], or three LED lamps [e.g., PH16 (2R1G1B)]. The pixel pitch for P16 is 16mm; for P20, it's 20mm; for P12, it's 12mm.

    Method of Calculating Length and Height

    Pixel Pitch × Number of Pixels = Length/Height

    Example: For PH16, Length = 16 points × 1.6 cm = 25.6 cm, Height = 8 points × 1.6 cm = 12.8 cm.

    Calculation Method for the Number of Modules Used in Screen

    Total Area ÷ Module Length ÷ Module Height = Number of Modules Used

    Example: For a 10 square meter PH16 outdoor monochrome LED display, the number of modules used is 305 (rounded off).

    Calculation Method for the Visual Distance of LED Display Screen

    RGB Color Blending Distance:

    LED Full-color Screen Visual Distance = Pixel Pitch (mm) × 500/1000

    Minimum Viewing Distance for Smooth Image Display: LED Display Screen Visual Distance = Pixel Pitch (mm) × 1000/1000

    Optimal Viewing Distance for Clear Images: LED Display Screen Best Viewing Distance = Pixel Pitch (mm) × 3000/1000

    Farthest Viewing Distance: LED Display Screen Farthest Viewing Distance = Screen Height (m) × 30 (times)

    Calculation Method for LED Display Screen Scanning Mode

    Scanning Ratio: Ratio of the number of rows illuminated simultaneously to the total number of rows in a certain display area.

    Examples of scanning methods: 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, static.

    Calculation Method for LED Display Screen Power Supply Number

    Calculation of how many unit boards can be supported by one power supply.

    Calculation of the required number of power supplies based on the total power consumption of the screen.

    Calculation Method for LED Display Screen Power

    Power Formula: P = UI (P represents power, U represents voltage, I represents current)

    Calculation of total power consumption for LED display screens.

    Calculation Method for LED Display Screen Brightness