How to make the LED display longer life? Need to do this!

Author: Huajiang

Date: 2023-10-30 17:02:17

First, it is necessary to check the line of the LED display frequently, and replace it in time when it is found that the line is aging or rodents, etc., and do not touch the switch with wet hands to avoid leakage electric shock accidents.

Second, it is recommended that the LED display rest time is more than 2 hours a day, and the outdoor display is not recommended to use in the summer noon high temperature time.

Third, the LED screen body is strictly prohibited from water, iron powder, iron filings and other conductive substances.

Fourth, the LED screen body playback content should not be in the full white full bright screen for a long time, so as not to cause too much current to lead to LED tube damage, affect the life, and even cause security risks.

Fifth. Regular inspection of the fixed nature of the components of the LED display

(1), regularly maintain the surface coating of the products and steel structure welding points to prevent corrosion, rust and fall off, if there is damage and other problem parts to be replaced in time, especially the steel structure of each small part, to avoid the steel structure frame after a long time corrosion fall off the damage LED screen.

(2) When receiving the warning of natural disasters such as bad weather, it is necessary to check the stability and safety of each component of the screen in time. If there is a problem, deal with it in time to avoid unnecessary losses!

(3), on average, the LED display needs to be checked and maintained at least twice a year.

First, it is necessary to check the line of the LED display frequently, and replace it in time when it is found that the line is aging or rodents, etc., and do not touch the switch with wet hands to avoid leakage electric shock accidents.

Second, it is recommended that the LED display rest time is more than 2 hours a day, and the outdoor display is not recommended to use in the summer noon high temperature time.

Third, the LED screen body is strictly prohibited from water, iron powder, iron filings and other conductive substances.

Fourth, the LED screen body playback content should not be in the full white full bright screen for a long time, so as not to cause too much current to lead to LED tube damage, affect the life, and even cause security risks.

Fifth. Regular inspection of the fixed nature of the components of the LED display

(1), regularly maintain the surface coating of the products and steel structure welding points to prevent corrosion, rust and fall off, if there is damage and other problem parts to be replaced in time, especially the steel structure of each small part, to avoid the steel structure frame after a long time corrosion fall off the damage LED screen.

(2) When receiving the warning of natural disasters such as bad weather, it is necessary to check the stability and safety of each component of the screen in time. If there is a problem, deal with it in time to avoid unnecessary losses!

(3), on average, the LED display needs to be checked and maintained at least twice a year

Sixth. Pay attention to moisture-proof and dehumidification

(1) The air conditioner can be used to dehumidification the LED display, placing desiccant and other methods to keep the screen body and the environment dry to prevent the display from moisture.

(2) Do not put flowers and plants around the screen. Flowers and plants need to be watered frequently, easy to evaporate and release water, indoor display in this environment for a long time, will produce dead lights. The service life of the display is affected.

(3) The display screen needs to be opened at least twice a week and the lighting time is more than two hours (especially in the rainy season), if it is not opened for a long time, it is prone to dead lights when it is activated, affecting the life of the screen.

Seventh. Inspection of defective products

Daily inspection of the defective LED display should be regular, and if there is a problem, it should be repaired or replaced in time, generally once every three months.

Eight, daily cleaning and maintenance of LED lights

For LED display, please use a soft brush and gently brush. Waterproof box can also be dipped in water to clean; Perform regular cleaning and maintenance based on the environment.

Ninth. Inspection of lightning protection facilities

(1) Check the lightning rod and grounding line regularly

(2) After the occurrence of thunder, the pipe should be tested, if it fails, it must be replaced in time.

(3) It can be checked frequently when it rains more.

Tenth, LED display screen body power supply system inspection

1, first of all, check whether the various line connections in the distribution box rust or loose, there are problems to be dealt with in time.

2, for safety, the grounding of the electrical box must be ensured normal, regular inspection.

3, the power line and signal new road, but also to check regularly, to avoid the line broken or bitten.

4, for the entire power supply system also need to do two inspections a year.